Featured Conversation:


Dr. Christine Horner
Breast Health

Christine Horner shares with us how her mother's breast cancer changed her path

The Woman's Connection® (TWC) is a program about events shaping women's lives and helping one gain authentic power on a personal or professional level.



We started as a cable TV show. Now we're also on YouTube! The Woman's Connection® Vlog features conversations about events shaping women's lives.


Honored from Manhattan neighborhood Network!

Honored from Manhattan neighborhood Network!

The Woman's Connection® Blog features articles covering everything that impacts women's lives, from the personal to the professional. Dive in below!


Be MY GUEST! Looking for a way to build your business? Here is a simple way to stand out from the crowded emails: relationship marketing 101. click here to get the process started and send a card on me!

Be MY GUEST! Looking for a way to build your business? Here is a simple way to stand out from the crowded emails: relationship marketing 101. click here to get the process started and send a card on me!

Additonaly, in this section we've compiled a mandatory reading list of things to know, things to do, and things to have on your radar. Have wisdom to add? Let us know!


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