National Association of Professional Women (NAPW)

April 26, 2013 “spark ignite your network” organized by National Association of Professional Women (NAPW). And what a network event it was. We were seated at round tables for 8 making it quite easy to connect with the other people at the table in the ballroom at the Sheraton New York Times Square Hotel, which was filled to capacity. Arriving at the event we were given a wonderful bag filled with goodies of empowering items from some of the women owned businesses. NAPW mission is to provide the most advanced forum for members to connect with like-minded professional women. And it did not let you down.

Starr Jones was the moderator and host with the moistest. She reviewed her life history starting out as an attorney and then becoming a co-host on “The View” which catapult her to be a national household word. She is a very personable woman who came up to me after I took her picture and introduced herself to me: “Hi, I’m Star Jones” and I shook her hand and told her my name. It was quick and gracious. Well I was also in the press room.

The ballroom erupted when she walked to the podium. Starr revealed her seven tools to Success:
1. Investigate: what do you want to achieve, what need to get there
2. Initiate: how to plan to change, get it started
3. Insight; self-evaluation, review how failed in past
4. Intuition
5. Intention; focus on results want to have
6. Inspiration: what brings you joy
7. Innovation: take a risk and bust out of the old
Star additionally mentioned to be prepared, focus on future with reinvention and what is the one thing that is self-sabotaging you from advancing.

Arianna Huffington, was just a gracious in introducing herself. It was fascinating to hear about her background and how she started the Huffington Post. One of the key things she believes in is “napping” just like Winston Churchill. It recharges one’s mind and body. What we want to do is change the sold so operate from “abundance”. 

Then after a lovely lunch Martha Stewart joined Star. She briefly talked about her time in jail and how that affected her. Now she is out scouting the country for those who do it themselves in crafts. She found this to be empowering for women as well. Now with so much behind her she is looking for a man and will be going on-line to to put up her bio and see what happens. Wish her lots of luck.

Panel of women included: Lesley Jane Seymour who said “special hell for women who don’t help other women”. We are all in it together sharing mistakes she’s made in the past. How she was sabotaged by a best friend in HR. When she receives something in email/mail/phone message that requires a response from her she evaluates as to the importance of doing it right now.

Desiree Rogers who used to be in the White House said: FEAR don’t allow people to tell you who you are. You truly fail when you give up on self.

Kim Garst whose approach is to collaborate in getting you and your brand recognized especially in social media.

Monique L. Nelson shared how she wound up being a global marketing executive and winning awards.

It was a very informative time and they had women coming from all over the country with a variety of businesses. Some of them were quite unique. 

Me and my moment!  Star Jones  Desiree Rogers, Airiana Huffington